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--------- ------- ------
Parameters, alphabetically:
addwb alpha endmute fac fno ftr
hcycle hdr ihdr kill lhdr limits
lno lprint ltr median maxval maxtype
minval mintype pass quart sel ses
sets set thres type vel winlen
Document date: 9 August 2012
19 Jul. 10 - Check every sample on every trace for NaN and zero it.
- remove requirement of giving parameters, so NaN check is
5 Nov. 09 - Add parameter pass for offline filtering
1 Sep. 05 - Add KILL FLAGONLY
31 Aug. 05 - Add parameter ENDMUTE
August 2012 - Add parameter MINTYPE and kill by SDEV, VAR, SKEW, KURT
- Add parameters MAXVAL and MAXTYPE.
Processes DESPIKE and TREDIT are identical, yet both may be in
the same PROCS LIST. Processes DESPIKE and TREDIT are trace
editing processes that remove spikes or kill traces that are "bad".
Every sample is checked for being NaN (not-a-number) and is replaced
with a zero if it is.
There are several different detection algorithms:
1) Spike replacement. Amplitudes less than thres(1) or greater than
thres(2) are replaced by linear interpolation of the adjacent "good"
amplitudes unless KILL YES is given, in which case the entire trace
is killed. Both THRES values must be given. Parameters ALPHA,
SETS, VEL, ADDWB, and KILL may be used in conjunction with this
2) The Trehu/Sutton method described in Marine Gephysical Researches
16: 91-103, 1994. The algorithm is based on a five point moving
window that compares the difference of the outer points with the
inner points. spike = (ABS(a(3)-a(2)) + ABS(a(3)-a(4)
> fac * (ABS(a(1)-a(2)) + ABS(a(4)-a(5))
Spikes are replaced by linearly interpolating the adjacent
"good" amplitudes or the entire trace may be killed if parameter
KILL YES is given. Parameter FAC must be given. Parameters SETS,
VEL, KILL, ALPHA, and ADDWB are honored.
3) A method that detects when amplitudes exceed the given quartile.
Amplitudes that exceed QUART are clipped (replaced by the QUART
amplitude). Parameter QUART must be given. Parameters SETS, VEL,
ADDWB, ALPHA, and KILL are honored.
4) A window ratio algorithm where the trace is "bad" if the average
amplitude of a "short" window over a "long" window exceeds the
user given factor. Parameters SES, SEL, and FAC must be given.
Parameters SETS, VEL, KILL, ALPHA, and ADDWB are honored.
5) The trace is "bad" and killed if the average absolute value of
the windows described by SETS exceeds the given threshold.
Parameters SETS and THRES must be given; Two windows may be defined,
but only 1 threshold may be given. Parameters ADDWB, VEL, KILL,
and ALPHA are also honored.
6) The MEDIAN value is calculated for each time point within a gather.
The trace set must be indicated by the "end-of-gather" flag of -1
(set by process gather or by diskin parameter ntrgat). This is NOT
a median stack; see PROCESS STK for a median stack. The
DESPIKE/TREDIT MEDIAN parameter simply returns the median value of
all traces within a gather for each time point. While a gather
goes into computing the median, only a single trace is output for
each gather set.
7.1 MINTYPE ABSVAL with parameter MINVAL kills a trace if no absolute
trace value exceeds MINVAL. Useful for detecting "dead" traces
created during acquisition or padding in FK and DMO processes.
7.2 MAXTYPE ABSVAL with parameter MAXVAL kills a trace when any
absolute trace value exceeds MAXVAL.
7.3 MINTYPE SDEV with parameter MINVAL kills a trace if the standard
deviation of the trace does not exceed MINVAL.
Process PROUT parameter INFO 5 prints the statistics of the trace.
7.4 MAXTYPE SDEV with parameter MAXVAL kills a trace when any the
stardard deviation of the trace exceeds MAXVAL.
7.5 MINTYPE VAR with parameter MINVAL kills a trace if the variance
of the trace does not exceed MINVAL.
7.6 MAXTYPE VAR with parameter MAXVAL kills a trace when the
variance of the trace exceeds MAXVAL.
7.7 MINTYPE SKEW with parameter MINVAL kills a trace if the skew
of the trace does not exceed MINVAL.
7.8 MAXTYPE SKEW with parameter MAXVAL kills a trace when the
skew of the trace exceeds MAXVAL.
7.9 MINTYPE KURT with parameter MINVAL kills a trace if the kurtosis
of the trace does not exceed MINVAL.
7.10 MAXTYPE KURT with parameter MAXVAL kills a trace when the
kurtosis of the trace exceeds MAXVAL.
8) Traces are killed when SEG-Y header values lie within user given
LIMITS when KILL INSIDE is used or when the header values are
outside LIMITS when KILL OUTSIDE is used. This is an easy way
to eliminate traces based on a SEG-Y header value such as the
streamer depth. The shallow or floating portion of the streamer
can be excluded.
9) "Local Trace Zeroing" or LTZ zeroes a portion of the trace if
there are no zero crossing in a specified length of time. This
method was described by Stanghelli and Bonazzi in Geophysics
Vol 67, No.1 (Jan/Feb 2002), pg 188-196. Parameter WINLEN is
a sliding window for the sum of amplitudes used in determining
when zero crossings occur. Parameter HCYCLE (half cycle) is the
maximum time permitted between zero crossings. If the time
between zero crossings exceeds HCYCLE, the trace between the
zero crossings is zeroed.
Marine data shot is rough seas often has long period streamer
noise that overwhelms the signal. The noise is not periodic
and can not be removed by a frequency filter. LTZ zeroes the
portion of the trace when the low frequency noise is greater
than the higher frequency signal.
Only one fno/lno parameter list may be given.
--------- ----------
PASS - The passband of a 55 point time domain convolutional
zero phase bandpass filter to apply before picking.
The filtered data are NOT passed to the next seismic
process, thus the filter is applied "offline". The
low and high "corners" of the filter must be given.
Preset = none e.g. pass 100 200
MINTYPE - Allowable values are: ABSVAL, SDEV, VAR, SKEW, KURT
MAXTYPE - Allowable values are: ABSVAL, SDEV, VAR, SKEW, KURT
Use process PROUT parameter INFO 5 to print the statistics.
MINVAL - The minimum value of type MINTYPE each trace must have to be
considered a good trace. When there is no value of type MINTYPE
that exceeds MINVAL within the SET window, the trace is killed
by setting all amplitudes to zero and setting the SEG-Y trace id
to 2, indicating a dead trace to other SIOSEIS processes.
MAXVAL - The maximum value of type MAXTYPE allowable to be considered
a good trace. If any value of MAXTYPE exceeds MAXVAL, the trace
will be set to zero and the SEGY dead trace flag will be set.
MEDIAN - When set to YES, the median sample for each time sample is
computed. The input trace set (gather) is replaced by a
single trace which is the so called "median trace".
Preset = NO
THRES - Threshold for algorithms 1 and 5 described above. Algorithm
1 requires two threshold values, a minimum and a maximum,
so that any amplitude less than thres(1) or greater than
thres(2) is considered a spike. If only one thres is given,
then any trace with an average amplitude greater than the
threshold is considered a spikey or wild trace and is
killed if KILL YES is given.
Preset = 0 0 e.g. thres -1.e6 1.e6
FAC - The tolerance factor used in:
1) The Trehu/Sutton method described in Marine Gephysical
Researches 16: 91-103, 1994. The algorithm is based on a
five point moving window.
2) The SES/SEL method described below.
Preset = 0. e.g. fac 5.
QUART - Quartile, amplitudes above this quartile are replaced by
the signed quartile value. ( QUART must be between 1 and
100). This algorithm came from CWP/SU.
Preset = 0 e.g. quart 99.
SES - Start and End times of the Short window when using the
"short over long average" method. SEL and FAC must be
given also when using this method. The trace is auto-
matically killed (zeroed) when the ratio of the average
absolute value of the samples in the SES window exceeds
the average absolute value of the sample in the SEL
window by a factor of FAC. The average absolute value
may be printed by using LPRINT 4.
Preset = none.
e.g. ses 0 .5 sel 1 2 fac .5 will cause the trace to be
killed if SES / SEL exceeds .5
SEL - Start and End times of the Long window when using the
"short over long average" method. SES and FAC must be
given also when using this method.
Preset = none.
ALPHA - The trace is raised to the ALPHA power before detection is
performed. i.e. t(i) = t(i) ** alpha is done first.
Preset = 1. e.g. alpha 2.
SETS - Start and End Times for the spike detection. Only the data
within SETS is examined. Used in all methods except the
SES/SEL and MEDIAN methods. Only type 5 detection (average
absolute value) uses two windows.
Preset = The entire trace e.g. 2.2 3.0 5 6
VEL - The velocity to use to 'move-in' each design window time.
Move-in is useful for describing window times that need
to vary according to the shot-receiver distance, as in
following a reflector on a record before nmo. Each
design window time will be determined from the equation:
t=sqrt(t0*t0+x*x/(vel*vel)), where t0 is the normal
incidence two way travel time, and x is the shot to
receiver distance of the trace described via PROCESS GEOM.
Preset=0. e.g. vel 1500
ADDWB - When given a value of YES, the water bottom time will be
added to all window times. (Water bottom times may be
entered via PROCESS WBT).
KILL - A switch when set to YES indicates that the trace be
killed rather than just the spike be replaced. It is also
used with parameter LIMITS to define whether the trace
header value governing the kill is INSIDE or OUTSIDE the
= YES, Indicates that the entire trace should be killed rather
than just the detected spike samples replaced. Honored
by THRES (type 1), SES/FAC (Trehu - type 2), and QUART.
= FLAGONLY, sets the SEG-Y trace id to "dead trace" (word
15 is set to 2), without zeroing the trace itself. Honored
whenever KILL YES is honored (THRES (type1), SES/SEL
(type 2) and QUART).
= NO, Indicates that just the "spikes" should be replaced.
Honored by THRES (type 1), SES/FAC (Trehu - type 2), and
= INSIDE, The trace is killed when the SEG-Y value is within
or equal to the LIMITS.
= OUTSIDE; The trace is killed when the SEG-Y header value
is outside the LIMITS.
Preset = no e.g. kill yes
LIMITS - The minimum and maximum values, or limits, of the SEG-Y
header value indicated by parameters IHDR, LHDR, or HDR.
The trace is killed (zeroed and tagged as dead) when the
SEG-Y header value is out of the LIMITS range when parameter
KILL OUTSIDE is given. The trace is killed when the SEG-Y
header value is within LIMITS when KILL INSIDE is given.
Preset = 0 0 e.g. limits 0 -50 kill outside lhdr 11
Kills traces where SEG-Y long word 11 is greater than 0 or
less than -50. (see document segy.header. The streamer
depth was in cm (word 11 scaled by word 35. Depth is
negative in this case.)
HDR - Indicates the index of the floating point SEG-Y header word to
use with the LIMITS parameter.
LHDR - Indicates the index of the 32 bit integer SEG-Y header word to
use with the LIMITS parameter.
IHDR - Indicates the index of the 16 bit integer SEG-Y header word to
use with the LIMITS parameter.
WINLEN - The window length, in seconds, used in type 9 or LTZ (Local
Trace Zeroing) where a portion of the trace is zeroed if no
zero crossing are found with HCYCLE time. WINLEN is the
length of the window used in determining when zero crossing
HCYCLE - The length of time, in seconds, of a "half cycle" of the
noise train to be zeroed in the LTZ method. The data
are zeroed if there isn't a zero crossing within
HCYCLE seconds.
Preset = winlen / 2.
ENDMUTE - The mute start time relative to the detected spike rather
than killing the entire trace. Method 1, min/max spike
detection only (thres neg pos).
Preset = not given. e.g. endmute -.01 will mute from
10 mils before the detected spike.
FNO - The first shot/rp number the parameter list applies to.
Preset = the first shot/rp received. e.g. fno 101
LNO - The last shot/rp number the parameter list applies to.
Preset = the last shot/rp received. e.g. lno 101
FTR - The first trace number the parameter list applies to.
Preset = the first trace of each shot/rp. e.g. ftr 10
LTR - The last trace number the parameter list applies to.
Preset = the last trace of each shot/rp. e.g. ltr 10
LPRINT - The secret debug switch.
=4, The computed window arithmetic value is printed. e.g.
the average absolute value of the window is printed when
type 5 depsiking is used.
=8, Each trace that is killed is identified.
END - Terminates the parameter list.
Copyright (C) 1992, The Regents of the University of California
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