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Parameters, alphabetically:
allno alt decimf delay fday fgmt
fno fntodo forgat format fsec ftr
gmtinc ifmt ipath ipath2 lno lntodo
lday lgmt lsec ltr mintrs no
noinc nsamps ntrcs ntrgat random renum
retrac rewind secinc secs si set
sort spath tr trinc
Document Date: 5 Nov. 2015
ver 2015.4.2 (5 Nov. 2015) - Add FORMAT NIUST
ver 2014.2.6 (29 Apr. 2014) - Honor SEGY Rev 1 deep water delay scalar.
- Set trace header short integer 108 to 0 if rev. 0
- Create error if TRINC is used and process SORT is in procs.
17 Oct 2012 - Make FNO default (rather than preset) to first in file.
ver 2011.2.14 (6 June 2011) - FORMAT KNUDSEN does swap16 rather than
swap32 on trace header 180-240
22 March 2011 - Add parameters FNTODO and LNTODO
February 2011 - zero end of trace when secs is longer than input
6 December 11 - >2GB failed the random check on Mac PPC
7 June 2010 - Add format ASCII and format BINARY
25 Aug 2009 - Use 64bit disk address for random when file > 2GB
25 June 2009 - Change ALLNO preset to NO
- Remove alltr documentation - was never implemented!
- Add parameter RANDOM
11 December 2008 - Add format WAV
28 November 2007 - Make retrac 1 if given.
6 July 2007 - ipath /dev/null inserts dead shots.
11 August 2004 - Put Edgetech course and speed into SEGY words 63 and 64.
14 June 2004 - Honor renum and retrac only on the first fno/lno/end list.
DISKIN reads SEG-Y disk files. The file may be in any SEG-Y data
format ( IEEE floating point, IBM floating point, 32 bit integer,
16 bit integer ).
Data in multiple files may be read by using multiple ipath lists,
each list ending with the word end. e.g.
ipath file1 end
ipath file2 end
DISKIN "corrects" several sample intervals used in academia that are
not integers because there are thought of as a sample rate. All other
processes in SIOSEIS use this floating point representation created by
DISKIN. 7812ns becomes 1./128., 488ns becomes 1./2048.,
67ns becomes 1/15000., 63ns becomes 1./16000., 31ns becomes 1./32000.
--------- ----------
IPATH - The input SEG-Y pathname (filename). 200 characters maximum.
The special Unix filename /dev/null may be used to create
null (dead) shots. fno, lno, ftr, ltr are honored. /dev/null
may not be the first file read.
Required. e.g. ipath /seis/vel.123
shot/rp parameters:
------- -----------
FNO - The first shot/rp number the parameter list applies to.
NO is a shot if SEG-Y word 7 is zero and an RP if non-zero.
Default = the first shot/rp in file IPATH. e.g. FNO 101
LNO - The last shots/rp number the parameter list applies to.
Default = the last shot/rp in file IPATH. e.g LNO 101
NOINC - The increment between FNO and LNO. Only honored when FNO
and LNO are used. A NOINC of 99999 indicates that any
and all shots/rps will be used in any order as long as it
is between FNO and LNO. NOINC 99999 is useful when there
are missing shots/rps.
Preset = 99999 e.g noinc 2
FTR - The first trace of each shot/rp to read from disk file
IPATH. Traces less than FTR will not be read.
Preset = the first trace of every shot/rp e.g. ftr 11
LTR - The last trace of each shot/rp to read from disk file
IPATH. Traces greater than LTR will not be read.
Preset = the last trace of each shot/rp e.g. ltr 11
TRINC - The trace increment between FTR and LTR. FTR and LTR
must be given when TRINC is used. A TRINC of 99999
indicates that any and all traces will be used in any
order as long as it is between FTR and LTR. TRINC 99999
is useful when there are missing traces or out of order
Preset = 99999 e.g. trinc 1
FNTODO - First number of traces TO DO. A useful parameter when doing
quality control and only the first FNTODO traces should be read.
Similar to the Unix head command.
Preset = 0 e.g. fntodo 300
LNTODO - Last number of traces TO DO. Takes the last LNTODO traces in
the input file. This will only work on files where all traces
are a fixed length. Similar to the Unix tail command. This
was intended for realtime processing for display the last stacked
Preset = 0 e.g. lntodo 300
Time parameters:
---- -----------
FDAY - The Julian day of the first data to read from disk file
IPATH. Data before FDAY will not be read.
Preset = 0 e.g. fday 123
LDAY - The day of year of the last data to read from disk file
IPATH. Data in IPATH after LDAY will be ignored.
Preset = 366 e.g. lday 123
FGMT - The GMT (in HHMM, or hours and minutes based on a 24 hour
clock) of the first data in file IPATH to read. FGMT is
set to 0 after the first data are found (default).
Default = 0 e.g. fgmt 0800
LGMT - The GMT of the last data to read from disk file IPATH.
Data in file IPATH after LDAY will be ignored.
Default = 2500 e.g. lgmt 1300
GMTINC - The increment between FGMT and LGMT.
Preset = 1 e.g. gmtinc 2
FSEC - The second of the minute of FGMT of the first shot/rp in
IPATH to read. Data before FSEC of FGMT will be ignored.
Preset = 0 e.g. fsec 20
LSEC - The second of the minute of LGMT of the last data to read
from disk file IPATH. Data after LSEC of LGMT will be
Preset = 60 e.g. lsec 30
SECINC - The increment in seconds between shots. After FSEC is
found, successive shots must be in exact increments of
SECINC. e.g. the first shot is at FSEC, the next is at
FSEC + SECINC. (Modulo 60).
Preset = 0 e.g. secinc 15
FTR - The first trace of each shot/rp to read from disk file
IPATH. Traces less than FTR will not be read.
Preset = the first trace of every shot/rp e.g. ftr 11
LTR - The last trace of each shot/rp to read from disk file
IPATH. Traces greater than LTR will not be read.
Preset = the last trace of each shot/rp e.g. ltr 11
TRINC - The trace increment between FTR and LTR. FTR and LTR
must be given when TRINC is used.
Preset = 1 e.g. trinc 2
----- ------ -----------
RANDOM - Use disk positioning (lseek) rather than sequential reads to
find the first shot (FNO). This is only available for disk
files conforming to SEG-Y Rev 1 standards and has the SEG-Y
"fixed trace length" flag set. In addition, shot and/or RP
numbers must be monotonically increasing by 1.
Preset = 1 e.g. random 0
RENUM - Renumber the shots/rps consecutively, starting with the
number given. Useful when there are duplicate shot/rp
numbers in the job. RENUM increments the shot number
after the shot trace number is equal to the number of
traces per shot, which comes from the SEG-Y tape header
unless it is specified via DISKIN parameter NTRCS.
Honored on the first fno/lno/end list only.
Preset = none. e.g. renum 101
RETRAC - Renumber the trace numbers within each shot/rp so that the
first trace of each shot/rp is 1.
Honored on the first fno/lno/end list only.
Preset = none. e.g. retrac 1
SECS - The number of seconds of data to process in file IPATH.
Data later than delay+secs will be omitted.
Preset = none.
DECIMF - The decimation factor used to resample the data while
reading from disk. No anti-alias filter is applied
before decimation.
Preset = 1 e.g. decimf 2 (every other sample is discarded)
IFMT - The data format of the input disk file. IFMT should be
used only when it is necessary to override the value in the
SEG-Y header of the data file IPATH.
=1, IBM floating point.
=2, 32 bit 2's complement integer.
=3, 16 bit integer.
=4, 16 bit UTIG floating point (not IEEE)
=5, IEEE floating point (host computer)
Preset = taken from the disk file.
SI - The sample interval, in seconds, of the data in file
IPATH. SI overrides the value in the SEG-Y header.
Preset = disk e.g. si .004
DELAY - The deep water delay, in seconds, of the data in IPATH.
DELAY overrides the value in the SEG-Y trace header read from disk.
Preset = none e.g. delay 3.0
NTRCS - The number of traces in each shot in disk file IPATH. NTRCS
overrides the value in the SEG-Y header in file IPATH.
Preset = none. e.g. ntrcs 1
NSAMPS - The number of samples in each trace, NSAMPS overrides the
value in the SEG-Y trace header.
Preset = none. e.g. nsamps 2560
NTRGAT - The number of traces in every rp. Every NTRGAT trace
will contain an "end of gather" flag in header word 51.
Used to convert shot sorted files into rp sorted files
without going through processes geom or gather. Shot/rp
boundaries are ignored when counting traces for ntrgat.
NTRGAT 0 sets the flag to 0 on every trace.
Preset = -1 e.g. ntrgat 24
FORGAT - Foreign gather switch. The use of FORGAT indicates that
the input gathers were not generated by SIOSEIS and do not
have the end-of-gather convention used by SIOSEIS (a -1 in
SEG-Y header word 51). FORGAT is similar to NTRGAT but
allows each gather to have a different number of traces.
The end-of-gather is detected when the next trace has a
different rp number or is equal to LTR (when ltr is given).
The value of FORGAT indicates the number of rps to concatenate
into a single gather which is terminated by the -1
end-of-gather flag. LDGO gathers start with the largest
trace number first, which breaks the SIOSEIS
monotonically increasing assumption; LDGO gathers may be
read using forgat 1 and ftr 99999, in which case SIOSEIS
will use all traces within the gather.
Preset = 0 e.g. forgat 1
MINTRS - The minimum number of traces each gather must have. If
an input rp does not have the specified minimum number of
traces, DISKIN will create dead traces so that there are
MINTRS traces.
Preset = 0 e.g. mintrs 24
SET - The start and end times of the data to read from disk.
SET is a pair of times in seconds. The use of SET causes
the deep water delay and the number of samples to be
changed. If either SET is outside of the data, the data
is padded with zeroes. The data will always be
SET(2) - SET(1) long.
Preset = none e.g. set 2.0 3.0
SORT - The use of this parameter overrides the automatic
determination of the data sort for DISKIN. SORT does not
change any part of the SEG-Y header, so other SIOSEIS
processes are not affected by this parameter (i.e.
successive processes in the process list will receive the
data with the original sort). The choices are 'shot' or
'cdp' or 'stack'
Preset = none e.g. sort shot
REWIND - A YES/NO switch indicating whether the input file should be
rewound before reading the first shot, FNO, of the fno-lno
list. The data on disk may not be accessed in reverse order,
so the only way to get a shot/rp that has already been passed
is to start searching from the beginning of the disk file.
REWIND is reset to NO immediately after use; rewind only
occurs at FNO and only occurs on the list specified.
Default = YES e.g rewind no
FORMAT - The type of seismic format of the file IPATH.
= SEGY, An SEG-Y disk file with all headers.
= KNUDSEN. Does a 16 bit byte swap on trace header bytes 180-240
rather than the default 32 bit byte swap.
= SSC, The Seimographic Services Corporation' Phoenix format.
= IRIS, The IRIS PASSCAL format is like SEGY but omits both file
headers and the data format code is in the trace header. SIOSEIS
can only handle 64k data samples. There is only one trace in
each Passcal file.
= SU, the Colorado School of Mines Center for Wave Phenomena's
Seismic Unix file format; no file headers and the data are
host floating point.
= NOHEAD, No SEG-Y file headers. Parameter IFMT must be given.
= SWAPPED, SEG-Y files written on Intel or DEC machines that
are still in little-endian byte order (low byte first). SIOSEIS
written SEG-Y files are in the correct order (big-endian).
= ODEC, The ODEC 3.5 format which is byte swapped and has a
320 byte trace trailer.
= EDGETECH. Edgetech uses a pseudo-SEGY format. Edgetech puts the
shot number and trace number in different locations. It also
uses the cpu time instead of the GPS time for the time of shot.
This format precludes the use of parameters FNO, LNO, NOINC, FTR,
LTR, and TRINC. Process XSTAR should be used on ALL Edgetech data.
GeoSTAR data must be converted to XSTAR format prior to use by
sioseis since GeoSTAR data do not have the first two SEG-Y headers
and is in SEG-Y byte order. Course and speed are saved in SEGY
words 63 and 64.
= UTIG-OBS. UTIG uses a 32 bit integer for the delay.
= WAV. A WAV file (44 byte header and 16 or 32 bit little endian int)
= ASCII. Each IPATH file should contain an ASCII list of trace
amplitudes. The length of the trace is the number of ASCII values
read. The shot number will be 1. The first IPATH will be trace 1
and successive IPATH will increment the trace number. Parameter
SI is honored.
= BINARY. Each IPATH file should contain a binary string of trace
amplitudes. The binary file must be IEEE floating point words in
the byte order of the host computer. The length of the trace is
the number of values read. The shot number will be 1. The first
IPATH will be trace 1 and successive IPATH will increment the trace
number. Parameter SI is honored.
= NIUST, NIUST puts the delay in ms in bytes 91&92 with us in 181&182.
Diskin converts the delay t0 SEGY Rev. 1
Preset = SEGY e.g. format edgetech
IPATH2 - The pathname of a second data file that will be merged with
the data of IPATH. The merging is done by alternate reads
from IPATH and IPATH2. See parameter ALT for whether the
merge is by trace or record (shot/rp). e.g. When ALT is 2,
the first trace comes from IPATH, the second comes from
IPATH2, the third from IPATH, the fourth from IPATH2, etc
Preset = none e.g. ipath2 datafile2
ALT - The type of interleaving when using IPATH2.
=1, Alternate records (shots or rps) are read from IPATH and
IPATH2. Both files MUST contain the same shot/rp numbers.
e.g. ipath shot 1, ipath2 shot 1, ipath shot 2, ipath2 shot 2.
=2, Alternate traces are read from IPATH and IPATH2. e.g.
ipath shot 1 trace 1, ipath2 shot 1 trace 1, ipath shot 2
trace 2, ipath2 shot 2 trace 2
Preset = 2
SPATH - The pathname of the "sort" file. When SPATH is given,
process DISKIN reads the seismic traces in the order
specified by SPATH rather than the order actually in IPATH.
Preset = none e.g. /usr/users/joe/data/sort.line1
NO XN - The word type and the index of the SEG-Y trace header to use
for searching rather than the shot or rp number. FNO and
LNO no longer refer to shot or rp number, but to the new
SEG-Y word.
X = I, means short integer (16 bit integer trace header)
= L, means long integer (32 bit integer trace header)
= R, means real word (host floating point)
N = the index with the SEGY trace header.
Example: no l5 will use the SEG-Y "Energy source point number" rather than the shot number.
Preset = none
TR XN - The word type and the index of the SEG-Y trace header to use
for searching rather than the shot/rp trace number.
X = I, means short integer (16 bit integer trace header)
= L, means long integer (32 bit integer trace header)
= R, means real word (host floating point)
N = the index with the SEGY trace header.
Example: tr l10 ftr -500 ltr 500 will read all traces with
ranges between -500 and +500.
Preset = none
ALLNO - A YES/NO switch that indicates that the entire file will be
searched for additional shots/rps that might be in the
fno-lno range. ALLNO NO will cause the sioseis job to end
faster when LNO is not at the end of the file. ALLNO governs
LNO only. It is impossible to skip data before FNO. DISKOX
parameter FLINC may be used to create small files for velocity
Preset = yes
END - Terminates each parameter list.
procs diskin prout end
renum 1
FNO 1 LNO 10 ipath dataset1 end
FNO 1 LNO 10 ipath dataset2 end
FNO 1 LNO 9999 ftr 1 ltr 999 end
ASCII - Some processing packages (e.g. LDGO) violate the SEG-Y
standard by writing the first SEG-Y header in ASCII
rather than EBCDIC. The use of this parameter
indicates that the header is in ASCII. An ASCII header
usually manifests itself in SIOSEIS in the plot header as
bad characters ( usually ?????'s).
Preset = 0 e.g. ascii 1
LPRINT - A debugging parameter.
Copyright (C) by The Regents of The University of California, 1988
Written by Paul Henkart, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Ca.
All Rights Reserved.
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