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PROCESS DISKOX, where X = { A, B, C, ..., J }
------- ------
Parameters, alphabetically:
decimf exthdr flinc fno fon format
frange ftr lno lrange ltr noinc
ofmt ontrcs opath posaft renum retrac
rewind secs set spath trace0 trinc
Document Date: 17 June 2009
Doc mods:
Add RETRAC and RENUM (RENUM is the same as FON). June 2009
opath DATE and opath SHOTNO generate file names. June 2005
OFMT 0 means OFMT is the same as the input data format. March 2005
Add FORMAT BINARY and remove SEGY and SIO, June 2003
Add EXTHDR to control writing of Rev 1 records, May 2003
Add TRACE0 to control writing of trace 0, March 2003
Change BIG preset to YES, Sept. 2002
Process DISKOX is a set of 10 processes which write SEG-Y disk files.
The process names are actually DISKOA, DISKOB, DISKOC, ..., DISKOJ, but
are listed here as a single process since they are virtually identical.
SIOSEIS permits any process to appear only once in the PROCS list, yet
the user may wish to save the data at multiple stages. Processes
DISKOA, DISKOB etc. permit up to 4 distinct disko output stages. e.g.
Each process DISKOX is totally independent of any other process DISKOX.
The order A, B, C, D does not matter since this is just a way of allowing
four unique processes. e.g. PROCESS DISKIN STACK DISKOD PLOT END is
The shot/rp numbers and trace numbers of the output are the same as the
input except when FON, NOINC, FTR, or TRINC are given. The output
shot/rps always start with trace one and output trace numbers are always
incremented by 1.
--------- ----------
OPATH - The output pathname (filename).
= DATE or date, the filename will come the SEG-Y trace header in
the form: dayDDD-HHMMz.segy, where DDD is the day of year and
HH is the hour, MM is the minute of the SEG-Y time of shot.
= SHOTNO or shotno, the filename will come the SEG-Y trace header
in the form: shotSSSSSS.segy, where SSSSSS is the shot number
(word 3) in the SEG-Y trace header.
Required. e.g. opath /seis/vel.123
OFMT - The data word format of the output disk file.
=0, Same as the input format.
=1, IBM floating point. **** OBSOLETE ***
=2, 32 bit 2's complement integer.
=3, 16 bit integer.
=5, IEEE floating point. (non standard in SEGY rev 0, but
standard in SEGY rev. 1.)
=4, UTIG 16 bit floating point
Preset = 5
FON - The first output shot/rp number.
RENUM <0, In conjunction with POSAFT means the last shot/rp + 1.
=0, Means that the output number will be the same as the input.
>0, The first shot/rp will be FON.
(RENUM is the same as FON - added for compatibility with diskin),
Preset = 0 e.g. fon 101
RETRAC - Renumber the trace numbers within each shot/rp so that the
first trace of each shot/rp is RETRAC.
Preset = none. e.g. retrac 1
POSAFT - Position after shot/rp or after the last trace in the file.
<0, Position after the last trace of the last shot/rp (append).
=0, No positioning is done.
>0, Position after the shot/rp specified (after the last trace
of the shot/rp).
Preset = 0. e.g. posaft 1234
SET - Start and end times, in seconds, of the data to be written to
disk file OPATH. Data outside of SET will not be included in
the output file. DISKOX SET may not be used to pad with
zeroes; use DISKIN SET for zero padding. If SET(1) is before
the deep water delay, the output will be from the delay, not
Preset = none e.g. set 2 3
SECS - The number of seconds of data to write to file OPATH. Data
after delay+secs will be omitted.
Preset = none
DECIMF - The decimation factor to use in writing the output disk file
OPATH. No anti-aliasing filter is applied. The data passed
to any process after DISKOX will NOT be decimated.
Preset = 1 e.g. decimf 2 (every other sample is discarded)
SPATH - The pathname of the "sort" file. When SPATH is given, process
DISKOX outputs the seismic traces in the order specified by
SPATH rather than the order actually received. This "desorts"
a dataset sorted by PROCESS SORT and DISKIN.
Preset = none e.g. /usr/users/joe/data/sort.line1
FNO - The first shot/rp number the parameter list applies to.
Default = the first shot/rp in file OPATH. e.g. FNO 101
LNO - The last shots/rp number the parameter list applies to.
Default = the last shot/rp in file OPATH. e.g LNO 101
NOINC - The shot/rp increment between FNO and LNO.
Preset = 1. e.g. noinc 10
FLINC - The increment between groups of FNO-LNO shots/rps output.
Both FNO and LNO are incremented by FLINC after LNO has been
output. This feature is useful when groups of rps are to
be saved. e.g. If you want to save 10 consecutive rps out
of every 100 rps, then use fno 1000 lno 1009 flinc 100.
rps 1000-1009, 1100-1109, 1200-1209, ..... will be written.
FTR - The first trace of each shot/rp to write to disk file OPATH.
Traces less than FTR will be omitted.
Preset = 0 e.g. ftr 11
LTR - The last trace of each shot/rp to write to disk file OPATH.
Traces greater than LTR will be omitted.
Preset = the last trace of each shot/rp e.g. ltr 11
TRINC - The trace increment between FTR and LTR.
Preset = 1 e.g trinc 2
FRANGE - The first range (the absolute value of the shot-receiver
distance) to be included in the output disk file. Traces with
ranges less than FRANGE will not be written to disk. The use
of FRANGE and LRANGE is useful when CDP gathers are being
written to disk.
Preset = 0 e.g. frange 2000
LRANGE - The last range (the absolute value of the shot-receiver
distance) to be included in the output disk file. Traces with
ranges greater than LRANGE will not be written to disk. The
use of FRANGE and LRANGE is useful when CDP gathers are being
written to disk.
Preset = 999999 e.g. lrange 2000
FORMAT - The file format of the output file.
=SU, the Colorado School of Mines Center for Wave Phenomena's
Seismic Unix file format is written. The SU format does
not contain the SEG-Y EBCDIC or binary headers, but does have
the SEG-Y trace headers.
=BINARY, no SEG-Y headers at all are written. Remember that
the first and last time samples are written (e.g. 1 second
of 1 mil data has 1001 samples). The data are written in
word type OFMT and in big endian (SEGY) byte order.
Preset = none e.g. format binary
ONTRCS - The number of traces per output shot/rp. If FON is not given,
FON 1 will be used. If RETRAC is not given, RETRAC 1 will
be uses.
Preset = 0 (not given) e.g. ontrcs 1
REWIND - A YES/NO switch indicating that the disk file is rewound for
EVERY SHOT written. This is an attempt to create a "circular"
shot file useful during realtime processing.
=YES, Create a new file on every trace 1.
=NO, NO rewind - a normal file.
Preset = NO, e.g. rewind yes # rewind the file
TRACE0 - A YES/NO switch indicating whether the SEG-D external header
should be written as a trace numbered 0 and SEG-Y
trace id (short word 15) 28.
=YES, trace 0 will be written.
=NO, trace 0 will not be written.
Preset = NO e.g. trace0 yes # a trace 0 will be written
EXTHDR - A YES/NO switch indicating whether to write the SEG-Y Rev. 1
Textual Extension Records, if present, or not.
=YES, the records will be written.
=NO, the records will not be output.
Preset = YES (to write the records). e.g. exthdr no
BIG - No longer needed.
A YES/NO switch when set to YES indicates that the output
file will be larger than 2GB. SIOSEIS can not tell in
advance how large the output file will be and some operating
systems need to know if the file will be > 2GB so that
64 bit pointers are used. Sun and HP need this parameter.
SGI does not need this parameter.
Preset = YES. e.g. big yes
Copyright (C) by The Regents of The University of California, 1988
Written by Paul Henkart, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Ca.
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