Go to the list of seismic processes.           Go to SIOSEIS introduction.           Go to SIOSEIS examples.

                      PROCESS PLOT    (SECTION PLOT)
                      ------- ----

Parameters, alphabetically:
absval   ann        ann2      anninc    anntyp    bcolor    bias
c        chart      clip      colors    decimf    def       dir
dptr     fanno      fday      fno       frange    fspace    ftag
ftr      hdr        hpath     hscale    icdots    ihdr      lday
lhdr     lno        lprint    lrange    ltr       nibs      noinc
nsecs    nspace     opath     pctfil    plotsi    plotter   recsp
rectify  rstime     sec       sipath    srpath    scalar    spacei
stime    taginc     tlann     tlines    trim      trpin     vscale    
wiggle    wrap

Document Date:  7 October 2011
Jul. 2010 - Add lat100 and long100 to ANNTYP and ANNTYP2
Apr. 2010 - Allow HP Z2100 plotters as  PLOTTER 2144   or   PLOTTER 2124
Aug. 2009 - Allow SECS and make it equivalent to NSECS.
Aug. 2008 - Add LAT and LONG to ANN and ANN2.
Dec. 2007 - Add parameter TRIM.
Apr. 2007 - Add parameter CHART.
          - Add parameter PLOTTER and make it equivalent to NIBS.
          - Preset PLOTTER to 2859 and don't require NIBS or PLOTTER
            to be given.
Mar. 2005 - NSECS 0 means the length of the first trace.
Apr. 2004 - Add nibs 2368 (iSys V12)
Aug. 2003 - Add parameter ANN2
Feb. 2003 - Add parameter DPTR
Oct. 2002 - Add parameter RECTIFY

PROCESS plot creates a seismic section plot.  Each SIOSEIS computer 
installation has a different plotter, so the actual mechanics of getting
the plot to the plotter is different.  Generally though, the entire sec-
tion is generated and stored in a disc file and another program must be
run in order to send the disc file to the plotter.  ***  Note  *** files
generated for one plotter can not be sent to a different plotter.

The HP DesignJet plotters must be converted from SIOSEIS format to
HP-RTL format using program SIO2HP.

Sun rasterfiles created by parameter SRPATH may be viewed by
program XLOADIMAGE or XV (XVIEW).  A common xloadimage statement
in a sioseis shell script is:
xloadimage -r 90 sunfil.ras &

ImageMagick programs (e.g. "convert" and "display") also recognize Sun

Mac OSX program GraphicConverter is another excellent program for 
manipulating Sun rasterfiles.  GraphicConverter may be executed from
a shell with the following line:
open -a /Applications/GraphicConverter\ US/GraphicConverter.app sunfil.ras

Adobe PhotoShop and Illustrator read Sun rasterfiles.

PROCESS plot is an offline process.  The data passed to the next process
is the same as input to plot.  (PROCESS plot is similar to a T joint in
the pipeline).

--- --------- ----------

STIME  - The start time of the data to plot. This is the actual record 
         time and must include any delays included in the data, e.g. if
         the data has a delay of 3 seconds and the first data to be 
         plotted is at 3 seconds, an STIME of 3 will plot the data as it
         is on tape.  If STIME is not given, the data will always be 
         plotted with a start time of the deep water delay (a gap in the
         plot will occur so that the delay changes are obvious).

NSECS  - The number of seconds of data to plot.  The plot will contain
SECS     data times stime to stime+nsecs.
       = 0.  The plot will be the length of the first trtace.
         Preset = Length of the first trace.
VSCALE - The vertical scale in inches per second.  SIOSEIS will plot the
         data at "any" vertical scale, but has "preferred" scales that
         for each plotter.  Using the preferred scale so that every
         seismic sample is exactly on a plotter point eliminates the
         need for sample interpolation.  The preferred scale is
         calculated as: vscale = sr / dpi, where sr is the sample rate,
         dpi is the number of dots per inch of the plotter.  e.g. The
         HP DeisgnJet has 300 dpi; if the sample rate is 250 samples per
         second, then the preferred vscale is a multiple of 250/300 (.8333).
         Various preferred scales for sample rates of 125 and 128 are:
         nibs = 60, vscale 4.17
         nibs = 75, vscale 3.333
         nibs = 80, vscale 3.125
         nibs = 100, vscale 1.25 or 1.5625
         nibs = 120, vscale 1.041667 or 1.06667
         nibs = 160, vscale 1.5625, 3.125, 6.25, or 12.5
         nibs = 200, vscale .5, .64, or .625
         nibs = 201, vscale 1.25 or 1.5625
         nibs = 300, vscale .625 or .64
         nibs = 850, vscale 1.23 (~250./203.)
         nibs = 2124, vscale 2.5
         nibs = 2144, vscale 2.5
         nibs = 2368, vscale 2.46
         nibs = 2847, 2848, 2858, 2859 vscale 2.5
         nibs = 3436, vscale 5.
         nibs = 3444, vscale .5, .64, or .625
         nibs = 4160, vscale 1.5625
         nibs = 5732, vscale 1.25 or 1.5625
         nibs = 5845, vscale 1.25 or 1.5625
         nibs = 7222, vscale .625 or 1.5625
         nibs = 7224, vscale 1.25 or 1.5625
         nibs = 7225, vscale 1.25 or 1.5625
         nibs = 7424, vscale .64, .625 or 1.5625
         nibs = 7425, vscale 1.25 or 1.5625
         nibs = 7436, vscale 1.25 or 1.5625
         nibs = 7444, vscale .5, .625, .64 or 1.5625
         nibs = 8122, vscale 2.5 or 2.56
         nibs = 8222, vscale .625 or 1.5625
         nibs = 8224, vscale 1.25 or 1.5625
         nibs = 8242, vscale .625 or 1.5625
         nibs = 8424, vscale 1.25 or 1.5625
         nibs = 8625, vscale 1.25 or 1.5625
         nibs = 8936, vscale .5, .625, .64 or 1.5625
         nibs = 9242, vscale .625 or 1.5625
         nibs = 9315, vscale 1.23 (250./203.)
         nibs = 9800, vscale 2.46 (500./203.)

TRPIN  - The number of traces per inch or the horizontal scale.  Large
         values of trpin may not result in the exact scale requested due
         to the spacing of the rasters (nibs or dots).  The 160 nib 
         plotter handles trpin 1-17, 20, 22, 26, 32, 40, 53, 80, 160 
         exactly.  The 200 nib plotters handle trpin 1-16, 18, 20, 22, 
         25, 28, 33, 40, 50, 66, 100, 200 exactly.  Other values of
         TRPIN will be rounded down to the next lower exact value of
         TRPIN for the appropriate plotter.
         Preset=20.     e.g. trpin 10

SCALAR - The constant multiplier for all traces used to convert trace 
         amplitudes to inches of plot.  A positive SCALAR value
         indicates no other determination of plot size will be used
         (i.e.  the parameter DEF is ignored).  SCALAR should be used
         when trace to trace amplitude relationships are important.
       <0,  SCALAR is determined from the first non-zero trace by 
            finding the largest amplitude and setting it to be DEF
            inches big.  Subsequent traces will be scaled by the scalar
            determined on the first trace.  The program determined
            scalar value is printed and may be used in subsequent plots
            via the SCALAR parameter.
       =0,  A new scalar will be determined on each trace by setting the
            largest trace amplitude of each trace to be DEF inches big.
            This destroys the trace to trace amplitude relationship, but
            every trace will have a portion large enough to be visible.
       >0,  The SCALAR value will be used on all traces to convert trace
            amplitudes to plot inches, regardless of the DEF parameter. 
            Incorrect values may cause extremely large or small trace
            excursions in the plot (see CLIP).
            Preset = -1    e.g.  SCALAR .3e-4

DEF    - The deflection, in inches, of each trace.  The distance between
         the maximum and minimum value of the trace.
         Preset=.1 e.g. def .08

CLIP   - The maximum size, in inches, of the plotted trace.  The
         deflection is the distance between the peak and the trough.
         The maximum trace deflection is 1.0 inches.
         Preset = 2./TRPIN     e.g.  clip .08

DIR    - The direction of plotting.  Normally the first trace lotted is
         in the right hand side of the section.  In order to plot the
         first trace on the left, dir must be 'ltr'.  The plot heading
         is on the right hand side of the section when plotting from 
         rtl.  The plot heading is on the left hand side of the section
         when plotting ltr.
         Preset= rtl

OPATH  - The pathname of the output disc plot file.  Program sio2sun
         converts color sioseis plotfiles to color Sun rasterfiles,
         which in turn may be displayed and manipulated by Imagemagick.
         Program sioplt displays sioseis plotfiles on an X11 root window.
         Program so2hp converts sioseis raster files to HP DesignJet
         RTL files (HP-RTL requires HPGL).
         The sio_plotfile_format document describes the sioseis raster file format.
         e.g. opath LINE5.RP289
                             sio2sun LINE5.RP289 sunfil
                             ras2ps -C -w8.5 -h11 sunfil psfil
                             lpr -Pking -h psfil
         Preset = pltfil, only when no plotfile is specified (i.e.
                pltfil when neither SRPATH, SIPATH, nor opath is given.)

SRPATH - The pathname of the Sun raster file.  The file is created only
         when this parameter is given.  Black and white files only.
         Programs SUNTOPS and RAS2PS convert Sun rasterfiles to
         PostScript. The Sun program SCREENLOAD and the X11 programs
         XLOADIMAGE and XV display Sun rasterfiles.
         Preset = ' '   e.g. srpath sunfil nibs 200 vscale 2.5 nsec 3 
                             suntops -w 8.5 -h 11 < sunfil > psfil
                             ras2ps -w8.5 -h11 sunfil psfil
                             lpr -Pking -h psfil

SIPATH - The pathname of the Sun ImageTool file.  Imageplot is available
         from the authors at the Illinois Supercomputer Center.  The 
         file format is just a series of real numbers in trace and time
         order.  i.e.  trace 1, trace 2, trace 3, etc.   The file is 
         created only when this parameter is given.
         Preset = ' '        e.g.  sipath imagefil

HPATH  - The pathname of the SEG-Y trace header file needed by program
         SIOPLT.  Each trace that is plotted also has it's trace header
         written.  The plot trace header may not be the same as the
         data trace.  e.g. plot parameters stime changes the time of
         the first point.
         Preset = ' '      e.g.  hpath line1_headers

ANN    - The type of annotation.  ANN controls the annotation at the
ANN2     top of the plot while ANN2 controls a second annotation at
         the bottom of the plot.  Both annotations occur on traces that
         are tagged ( see parameters FTAG and TAGINC ).  The annotation
         contains up to 8 integer characters.
       = FANNO,  The annotation comes from plot parameter FANNO.
       = SHOTNO, The shot number is used.
       = SHOTTR, The shot trace number is used.
       = SH&TR,  The shot number and the shot trace number
       = RPNO,   The rp number is used.
       = RPTR,   The rp trace number is used.
       = RP&TR,  The rp number and the rp trace number
       = GMT,    The GMT as DDD HHMM associated with the trace is used.
       = GMTSEC, The GMT as HHMM SS associated with the trace is used.
       = GMTINT, Traces are annotated at GMT intervals.  The interval is
                 given in plot parameter ANNINC.  Plot parameters FTAG
                 and TAGINC are ignored.
       = RANGE,  The annotation is the shot-receiver distance (header 
                 word 10).  When used in conjunction with HSCALE the 
                 annotated range is adjusted for roundoff.  The 
                 annotated range is exact for placing on the plot and is
                 not the exact range for the trace.
       = GMTRP,  The first four characters are the GMT and the second 
                 four characters are the rp number.
       = ESPN,   The energy source point number.
       = LAT,    The latitude as +/-DDD MM
       = LONG,   The longitude as +/-DDD MM
       = LAT100, The latitude as MM SS SS  (minutes, seconds, hundreths)
       = LONG100, The longitude as MM SS SS  (minutes, seconds, hundreths)
       = WBDEPTH@S, The water bottom depth at the source (segy long word 16)
       = WBTIME, The water bottom time in seconds (sioseis' segy real waord 50)
       = FOLD,   The number of traces used to stack the trace. (segy short word 17)
       = NONE,   No annotation is done.
       = HEADER, The annotation value comes from the SEG-Y trace header
                 word indicated by plot parameters HDR, LHDR, or IHDR.
                 Valid with EITHER ANN or ANN2, not both.
         Preset = GMT

FTAG   - The first output trace number to tag.  A tag is a extension of
         the data before and after the data.  Ignored with ANN GMTINT.

TAGINC - The trace increment between traces to tag (skip cycle).   A 
         TAGINC of 0 prevents any tagging or annotation being done.
         Ignored with ANN GMTINT.

HDR    - Indicates the index of the floating point SEG-Y header word to
         use when annotating by SEG-Y header values.
         Used with ANN HEADER.

LHDR   - Indicates the index of the 32 bit integer SEG-Y header word to
         use when annotating by SEG-Y header values.
         Used with ANN HEADER.

IHDR   - Indicates the index of the 16 bit integer SEG-Y header word to
         use when annotating by SEG-Y header values.
         Used with ANN HEADER.

FANNO  - The annotation to precede the first tagged trace (ftag).   The 
         annotation must be a number.  Each successive tagged trace is 
         incremented by ANNINC. FANNO is used only with ANN FANNO.

ANNINC - The increment between successive annotation values.  Used when
         ANN FANNO or GMTINT is used.
         Preset=1 except for ann gmtint, which has ANNINC 5.
         e.g. anninc 10

FSPACE - The first output trace number after which a space will occur.
         A space is def inches wide.
         Preset=0  e.g.  fspace 24  (useful for 24 trace shots or rps)

NSPACE - The number of consecutive spaces to leave for each space, thus
         the spacing is nspace*def inches wide.
         Preset=3  e.g. nspace 2

SPACEI - The trace increment between spaces.  The number of traces to 
         plot between spaces.
         Preset=0  e.g. spacei 24 (useful for 24 trace shots or gathers)

RECSP  - A YES/NO switch to indicate an automatic record space before
         every trace number 1.  When set YES, NSPACE traces are
         inserted after the shot/cmp record.  Frequently CMP gathers
         do no contain the same number of traces, make parameter
         SPACEI useless.
         Preset = NO       e.g.  recsp yes

PLOTTER - The plotter model.  The SIOSEIS plot file is a raster file
         or bit map.  Each raster or bit or dot is also called a nib.
         The dot density (or raster spacing) varies among plotter
         manufacturers and plotter models.  
         Preset = 2859
NIBS   - Equivalent to PLOTTER.
         The density of the plotter being used.  The number of nibs 
         (dots) per inch.  Parameter NIBS is the same as PLOTTER and
         remains valid for historical compatibility purposes.
       = 60,   The Printronix 300.
       = 75,   A color or monochrome crt display.  Allows 40 inch plot.
       = 80,   The c.Itoh printer.
       = 120,  The Epson "rugged writer 480"
       = 160,  the 18 inch Versatec (model 2160).
       = 200,  The 11 inch Versatec (model 1200).
       = 100,  The Printronix mvp printer.
       = 201,  The Versatec model ??  (24 inch, 200 dpi)
       = 300,  The NovaJet, 300 dpi, 36inch, Color Inkjet
       = 624,  The OYO GS-624 (23.68in., 400 dots per in.)
       = 624,  The Isys V-24 (23.68in., 400 dots per in., B&W) 
       = 850,  The Raytheon TDU 850 (8.5 inches, 203 dpi, greyscale)
       = 2124, The 24 inch HP Z2100 (600dpi)
       = 2144, The 44 inch HP Z2100 (600dpi)
       = 2368, The iSys V12 (11.654 inches, 203 dpi, B&W)
       = 2847, The HP 2847A DesignJet 600 (300dpi, 24in., B&W )
       = 2848, The HP 2848A DesignJet 600 (300dpi, 36in., B&W )
       = 2858, The HP 2858 DesignJet 650c (300dpi, 24in., color )
       = 2859, The HP 2859 DesignJet 650c, 750, 755CM (300dpi, 36in., color )
       = 3436, The Versatec 3436 (400 dpi, 34 in., color)
       = 3444, The Versatec 3444 (color, 400 dpi, 43.04 in.)
       = 4160, The Printronix 4160
       = 5732, The Calcomp model 5732, 200 dots per in, 24 in wide)
       = 5845, The Calcomp model 5845, 400 dots per in, 44 in wide)
       = 7222, The Versatec model 7222 (21.12in., 200 dots per in.)
       = 7224, The Versatec model 7224 (23.04in., 200 dots per in.)
       = 7224, The Atlantek (23.04in., 200 dots per in.)
       = 7225, The Versatec model 7225 (23.52in., 200 dots per in.)
       = 7422, The Versatec model 7422 (21.12in., 400 dots per in.)
       = 7424, The Versatec model 7424 (23.04in., 400 dots per in.)
       = 7425, The Versatec model 7425 (23.52in., 400 dots per in.)
       = 7436, The Versatec model 7436 (35.20in., 400 dots per in.)
       = 7444, The Versatec model 7444 (43.04in., 400 dots per in.)
       = 7600, The HP-7600 electrostatic (35.5 in., 406 dots per in.)
       = 8122, The Versatec model 8122 (21.12in., 100 dots per in.)
       = 8222, The Versatec model 8222 (21.12in., 200 dots per in.)
       = 8224, The Versatec model 8224 (23.04in., 200 dots per in.)
       = 8242, The Versatec model 8242 ( B&W 40.96in., 200 dots per in.)
       = 8936, The Versatec model 8936 (Color 34.2in., 400 dpi)
       = 9242, The Versatec model 9242 (Color 40.0in., 200 dots per in.)
       = 9315, The Alden 9315 (8 bit Grey scale, 203 dpi, 10.08 in.)
       = 9800, The EPC 9800 (6 bit Grey scale, 203 dpi, 20.18 in.)
        Preset = 2859

WIGGLE - Wiggle trace plot signal.  The wiggle trace is the graph of the
         seismic amplitudes as if a pen was dragged across the paper.
         The value of wiggle is a percentage of the deflection.
       <0., Trace amplitudes more negative than wiggle/100.*def will not
            be plotted.
       =0., Only the shaded portion of the trace is plotted.
       >0., Trace amplitudes larger than wiggle/100.*def will not be 
         Preset 100.    e.g. wiggle -75.

PCTFIL - The percentage of the maximum deflection (DEF) that gets shaded.
       >0,  Positive values get shaded.
       =0,  No shading - wiggle trace plot only.
       <0,  Negative values get shaded.
          Preset=100.    e.g. pctfil 0

TLINES - Timing lines.  A set of up to 4 times to receive a marking line
         on the section.  Each successive given timing line will be 
         darker and wider, e.g. tlines .1 .5 1. results in a section 
         with every .1 seconds marked with a solid line 1 dot wide,
         every .5 seconds marked with a solid line 2 dots wide, and
         every 1.0 seconds marked with a solid line 3 dots wide.  Timing
         lines may be omitted totally by giving tlines 0.0.
         Preset = .1 .5 1.   e.g. tlines .5 1.

TLANN  - Timing line annotation switch.  Process plot normally annotates
         the heavist time line.  This annotation may be suppressed by
         setting TLANN to 0.
         Preset = 1     e.g. tlann 0

         A list of deflection - color pairs to use on color plots.  A
         maximum of 8 colors are permitted.  Each amplitude receives a
         color based on it's size relative to the DEF (deflection)
         parameter.  Amplitudes exceeding the deflection in COLORS
         receive the associated color. e.g.  colors 0 red means that all
         positive amplitudes will be red.  Negative amplitudes may be
         colorized by giving a negative deflection.
         e.g. colors -.000001 blue 0 red
         indicates that negative amplitudes exceeding -.000001 will be
         blue and all positive amplitudes will be red.  In order to use
         three or more colors, the intermediate interval colors must be
         defined, too.  e.g. colors -.1 blue 0 green .1 red 
         means that amplitudes between -.1 and +.1 will be green.  The
         eight permissible colors are:  
         Available on SIOSEIS rasterfiles only (OPATH only).  Sun
         rasterfiles may be made from SIOSEIS rasterfiles through
         program SIO2SUN.  (Sun rasterfiles may be viewed on the screen
         using program xloadimage or xv).
         Additional examples are located on the SIOSEIS web pages under

         A list of deflection - grayscale pairs to use on grayscale plots.
         Available on SIOSEIS rasterfiles only (OPATH only).  Sun
         rasterfiles may be made from SIOSEIS rasterfiles through
         program SIO2SUN.  (Sun rasterfiles may be viewed on the screen
         using program xloadimage or xv).
         e.g. colors  .001 gray3 .002 gray4 .003 gray5 .004 gray6 .005 gray7

DPTR   - Dots Per TRace.  When using color or grayscale plots, each 
         plotter point may be use to express the trace amplitude
         rather than width of the trace.  DPTR specifies width, in
         plotter points, of all the trace samples.  This can be
         thought of as the pixel width.  The pixel height is controlled
         by the vertical scale.  DTPR = NIBS / TRPIN will fill all
         the dots between traces.  (see the sioseis examples also).
         e.g.  nibs 2859 trpin 300 dptr 1  (the 2859 plotter is 300 dpi)

BCOLOR - The background color.  The color of the plot which is not 
         "in the seismic trace".  The eight permissible colors are:  
         Preset = WHITE.    e.g.    bcolor blue
DECIMF - Plot decimation factor.  If the data to be plotted needs to be
         decimated, set decimf to the increment between samples to 
         retain.  For example if every other sample is to be plotted, 
         decimf is 2.  This is particularly useful when plotting the 
         real components of a complex valued trace (e.g. F-K domain data
         in rectangular coordinates).  The data passed on to the next
         seismic process is not decimated.
         Preset = 1     e.g. decimf 2

FNO    - The first shot/rp/gmt the set of plot parameters applies to.
         Shots with shot numbers smaller than the first FNO will not be
         plotted.  The set is terminated by the word END. FNO may be a 
         shot number, a rp number, or an hour-minute of the 24 hour
         clock.  When FNO is a gmt time, fday must be given.  FNO must
         be given if more the one parameter list is given (the plot
         parameters change).
         Preset = 1.    e.g. FNO 1230 fday 100

FTR    - The first trace number with FNO the set of parameters applies 
         to. Traces with trace numbers smaller than ftr will not be 
         Preset = 1.  e.g. ftr 10

FDAY   - The day-of-year associated with FNO when the plot parameters
         are given according to gmt (i.E. When FNO is a gmt time).
         Preset = 0     e.g. fday 365

LNO    - The last shot/rp/gmt the set of plot parameters applies to.
         Shots with shot numbers larger than the last LNO will not be
         plotted.  LNO is not necessary if all the data to be plotted
         get the same parameters.
         Preset = 99999999  e.g. LNO 1230

NINC   - The number increment between FNO and LNO.  Shot/rps that are 
NOINC    not an increment between FNO and LNO are not plotted.  The only
         shots/rps plotted are fno, fno+ninc, fno+ninc*2, fno+3*ninc, ..
         LNO FNO and LNO must be given when using NINC.
         Preset = 1.    e.g.  ninc 6

LTR    - The last trace number within the shot/rp/gmt the set of 
         parameters applies to.  Traces with trace number larger than
         LTR will not be plotted.
         Preset = 99999  e.g. ltr 23

LDAY   - The day-of-year associated with LNO when LNO is an hour-minute.
         Preset = 0  e.g. lday 366

WRAP   - When YES, wrap the trace around the end of line as many times
         as needed until the end of trace is plotted.  This is 
         especially useful when plotting PASSCAL or passive source data.
         Preset = NO        e.g.   wrap  yes

RECTIFY - When ON or YES, the data are rectfied before plotting.
         Rectifying is taking the absolute value of each sample.
         Most echo sounders are rectified before plotting.
         Preset = OFF,       e.g.  rectify on

CHART  - Indicates that the plot should mimic a strip chart recorder
         similar to a continuous copy of a screen display.  The strip
         chart is NSECS wide.  STIME should not be used with CHART since
         CHART will determine, and adjust, STIME automatically.
         The water bottom is kept in a window within the plot, thus the
         plot is shifted up or down depending on the water depth.  CHART
         requires the water bottom time to be in the SEG-Y trace header
         (process wbt parameter VEL converts water depth to time).  
         CHART requires two values to be given; the top and bottom of
         the window, as a percentage of NSECS.  e.g.  chart 5 50
         will keep the water bottom in the top half of the plot.

TRIM   - Trims or crops the top and/or sides of the plot so that all the
         non-seismic white space is removed.   Do not use with DIR LTR.
       = ALL, the top and side margins are removed.
       = LEFT, RIGHT, TOP;  Removes the specified margin.
         Preset = not given.    e.g.   trim all

---------- ---- ----------

HSCALE - The horizontal scale when plotting refraction data (non-equal
         trace spacing).  The traces will be plotted according to the 
         distance from the first trace, as determined from the SEG-Y
         trace header.  Ranges must be monotonically increasing, 
         e.g. -1000, -900.  Each trace is plotted
         IABS((range trace n - range trace 1) / hscale * nibs
         from the first trace plotted, where nibs is the dots-per-inch
         if the plotters selected via parameter nibs.  SEG-Y ranges are
         meters or feet, so hscale is in meters or feet per in. HSCALE
         must be positive.
         Preset = none. e.g. hscale 250

FRANGE - First range plotted when plotting by range.  
         Preset = the range of the first trace.

LRANGE - Last range plotted when plotting by range.  LRANGE must be 
         given when FRANGE is given in order that PLOT knows whether the
         ranges are increasing or decreasing.  Besides excluding traces
         outside the FRANGE-LRANGE interval, "null" traces or spaces can 
         be created.  If the first or last range is in the interval, but
         not on the interval boundary, spaces are created so that the 
         plot extends to the interval boundary.
         Preset = the range of the last trace.

RSTIME - Relative start time.  The time of the first data to be plotted
         relative to the delay contained in the trace header.  This
         parameter is necessary when process shift parameter reduce was
         used.  Normally process plot puts a gap in the plot whenever a
         delay change occurs, but the reduce parameter causes each trace
         to have a different delay.  RSTIME and STIME are mutually
         PRESET = none  e.g rstime 0.

Copyright (C), Paul Henkart, Scripps Institution of Oceanography


LPRINT - debug parameter
       = 1, Prints the parameters in the edit stage (ploted).
         Preset = 0

ABSVAL - When set non-zero and plotting using HSCALE, ABSVAL indicates 
         that a special case exists whereby the ranges are the magnitude
         or absolute value of the range.  When this condition exists,
         assume that the ranges are monotonically decreasing so that any
         range that increases means that it is negative.
         Preset = 0

ANNTYP - The type of annotation to be done. A maximum of eight
         characters are printed before the tag.
       = 1, The annotation is taken from the user specified FANNO.
       = 2, The annotation is the shot number of the trace plotted.
       = 3, The annotation is the rp number of the trace plotted.
       = 4, The annotation is the gmt time in hours, minutes and seconds
            associated with the trace.
       = 5, The annotation is the gmt time. Traces are annotated at even
            intervals of ANNINC minutes.  FTAG and TAGINC are ignored.
       = 6, The annotation is the shot-receiver distance (header word
            10).  When used in conjunction with hscale, the annotated 
            range is adjusted for roundoff.  i.e.  The annotated range
            is exact for placing on the plot and is not the exact range
            for the trace.
       = 7, The annotation is the trace number of the shot/rp.
       = 8, The annotation is the energy source point number (header(5))
       = 9, The first four characters are the GMT and the second four 
            characters are the rp number.
       = 10, No annotation is done.
         Preset=5  e.g. anntyp 2

ICDOTS - A switch for 'connecting the dots'.  High density dot plotters
         have more dots than the seismic data.  Normally process plot
         will connect the dots between seismic samples by interpolating
         between seismic samples.  This may cause the unfilled portion 
         of the trace to look too dark.  Setting ICDOTS to zero prevents
         the interpolation or the "connecting the dots".
         Preset = 1.    e.g. icdots 0

BIAS   - The percentage of the maximum deflection (def) to add to all 
         samples before plotting (a dc bias).
         Preset=0. e.g. bias 15.

PLOTSI - The override sample interval for plotting the data.  PLOTSI
         will be used rather than the sample interval contained in the
         data.  The use of PLOTSI only affects process PLOT.  Data in
         the FK and tau-p domains are in different units and are not 
         "nice" (.001, .002, .004) for process plot.
         Preset = 0.    e.g. plotsi .001

C      - Comment card images to replace in the plot header.  The comment
         card must start with the letter c and must be followed 
         immediately by a 2 digit number, followed by a blank.  The
         number is the card number within the header to replace.  The
         comment itself must be enclosed in single quotes.  The comments
         are for the plot only.  The two digit number must include a
         leading zero if necessary.
         Preset=none.  e.g. C05 'this is an example of a comment'
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