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Parameters, alphabetically:
fc np ohpath pcnti pcnto
prestk sep set setau shift
Document Date: 3 May 2007
PROCESS TX2TP transforms data in the time-space domain to the tau-p
space using the "HOP" method for slant stacking refraction data" by
Henry, Orcutt, and Parker (GRL, Dec 1980). The problem of slant-stacking
seismic records at a number of ranges to synthesize a tau-p curve is
posed as a linear inverse problem for fixed frequency. Using an inner
product weighted by (k^2 + b^2)*k (where k is wavenumber and b some real
positive number), then the representers are Bessel functions of k*range,
scaled by 1/(k^2 + b^2), and the model is U(k,w) (vert comp only). The
inverse of the Gram matrix can be found analytically as sums and
differences of products of modified Bessel functions of b*range.
Since the tx to tau-p transformation changes the meaning of shots and
rps, TX2TP will output the data as if it is a shot containing np traces
headers will contain the following information:
record ("shot") number (SEG-Y word 3)
trace number with the record (SEG-Y word 4)
trace id flag (live trace flag) (SEG-Y word 15)
p value*1000. (in the tx domain position for range) (SEG-Y word 10)
tau*1000 of the first output sample (delay in ms) (SEG-Y word 55)
tau of the first output sample (delay in seconds) (SEG-Y word 46)
number of data samples (SEG-Y word 58)
sample interval in millihertz (instead of microseconds) (SEG-Y word 59)
The input data must be order so that the ranges are monotonically
Limitations : 300 input time traces
1024 samples within a time trace
300 output p traces
400 tau's within a p trace
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SET - The start and end times of the data to transformation. Data
prior to the start time or after the end time will be omitted.
Preset = the times of the first input trace. e.g. set 3 7
SEP - Start and end p values to calculate. The SEP range should only
span the dip components of interest (Yilmaz pg 437). The p
values are in units of kilometers - TX2TP converts the SEG-Y
ranges from meters to kilometers.
Preset = .2 .7 (1/5 1/1.4) e.g. sep .05 .55
SETAU - The start and end tau's to calculate. The first output sample
will be at the start tau.
Preset = delay 2*(power of two > nsamps) + 1
NP - The number of p values to calculate. NP is the increment
between the start and end p values.
Preset = the number of input time traces
FC - Cutoff frequency for calculating models.
Preset = Nyquist frequency e.g. fc 125
PCNTI - Percent taper applied to the input data before the forward FFT.
Preset = 0
PCNTO - Percent taper applied to the models before the inverse FFT.
Preset = 0
OHPATH - Output header pathname. TX2TP saves all of the SEG-Y trace
headers in a disk file so that the output tau-p traces have the
same headers as the input. The disk file is temporary unless
OHPATH is given. This is particularly important if the data are
converted back to tx in a separate SIOSEIS run.
Preset = temporary file. e.g. ohpath txheaders.line1-2
SHIFT - The time shift to apply to successive traces. The shift is
accumulative, thus each trace is shifted by SHIFT relative to
the previous trace. The shift represents a constant reduction
velocity, i.e. start time for each trace must be delayed by
same amount relative to previous trace. The input traces must
have a constant range increment for this to work properly.
Required. e.g. shift .05
PRESTK - When set nonzero, the transformation is done whenever the
PRESTK number of "gathers" have been collected. A "gather" is
whenever the "end-of-sort" flag (SEGY header word 51) is -1.
Processes SORT and GATHER set the "end-of-sort" flag.
Other schemes using DISKIN and HEADER can be used also.
Preset = 0.
Copyright (C) by The Regents of The University of California, 1988
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