Go to the list of seismic processes.      Go to SIOSEIS introduction.

vtplot in-file out-file [-r] [-si value] [-len length] [-v vintpl] [-p]
    v - Spatial interpolation type:
      = 0, No spatial interpolation (default).
      = 1, by iso-velocity.
      = 2, by velocity and time.
    r - reverse the shot/rp order.
    si - sample interval with value (default=.004)
    len - the length of the output traces.
    p - print every velocity.

output formats permitted (default is SEGY)
    .bin - binary (no headers)
    .mat - Matlab

 e.g.   vtplot line624 vel.segy -r -si .002

vtplot extracts the velocity functions from an SIOSEIS parameter file
and writes them into an SEG-Y, Matlab, or binary formatted file.  Each
velocity function is expanded (interpolated) in time using the same 
subroutine that the SIOSEIS process NMO uses.  The spatial interpolation
is the same as used in NMO.

vtplot sets the SEG-Y range (word 10) to be the difference between
the rp number of the velocity function and the rp number of the first
velocity function in the parameter file.  This allows the SIOSEIS
plot parameter HSCALE to be used to set the horizontal scale.

vtplot will accept any SIOSEIS parameter file.

File example.vpick contains the output from vpick; it has 3 velocity

  fno 40 vtp 1471 4.447 1811 5.823 2046 7.891 end
  fno 42 vtp 1446 4.475 1607 5.157 2029 7.940 end
  fno 44 vtp 1443 4.508 1725 5.348 2036 7.973 end

vtplot example.vpick vel.segy 

and then SIOSEIS job:

procs diskin sadd plot end
diskin ipath vel.segy end end
sadd scalar -1450 end end
   nibs 75 vscale 2.5 def 0.5 scalar -1 srpath sunfil ftag 1 taginc 1
   hscale 4 pctfil 0 ann rpno nsecs 4 end
xloadimage -r 90 sunfil &


file vels contains:

 fno 400  vtp 1475 2.937 1561 3.105 1867 3.504 3000 4.798 4500 8.0
              stretc 0.5 end
 fno 500  vtp 1442 3.023 1657 3.452 2035 3.920 2457 4.227 3000 4.736
              4500 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 700  vtp 1444 3.024 1483 3.128 1564 3.334 1597 3.386 2048 3.981
              2290 4.136 2470 4.368 2677 4.666 3002 5.053 4300 8.0
                          stretc 0.5 end
 fno 800  vtp 1441 2.958 1472 3.036 1580 3.375 2019 3.974 2410 4.482
              2808 5.199 3002 5.368 4250 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 900  vtp 1441 2.979 1528 3.185 1615 3.364 1828 3.685 2217 4.148
              2996 5.385 4250 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 1000 vtp 1437 2.923 1461 3.051 1520 3.192 1623 3.385 1684 3.449
              1800 3.692 2184 4.141 3000 5.338 4250 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 1100 vtp 1437 2.927 1471 3.057 1502 3.161 1649 3.447 2287 4.267
              2998 5.330 4200 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 1200 vtp 1443 2.953 1477 3.044 1584 3.343 1618 3.421 1751 3.629
              2240 4.332 2501 4.800 3002 5.511 4100 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 1300 vtp 1455 2.904 1516 3.159 1588 3.338 1685 3.529 1865 3.822
              2123 4.268 2437 4.841 2710 5.439 3002 6.000 4050 8.0
                          stretc 0.5 end
 fno 1400 vtp 1454 2.909 1508 3.139 1543 3.228 1694 3.483 2059 4.121
              2220 4.364 2456 4.823 3000 5.801 4050 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 1500 vtp 1462 2.911 1547 3.208 1581 3.259 1702 3.452 1908 3.775
              2121 4.161 2414 4.651 3002 5.639 4100 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 1600 vtp 1457 2.971 1636 3.281 1803 3.523 2053 3.872 3002 5.659
              4100 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 1700 vtp 1453 2.968 1672 3.329 1787 3.561 1850 3.703 1910 3.832
              2197 4.323 3000 5.677 4150 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 1800 vtp 1479 3.084 1638 3.290 1706 3.381 1853 3.548 2107 3.935
              2998 5.284 4200 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 1900 vtp 1456 2.962 1509 3.115 1587 3.308 1863 3.769 1998 4.000
              2998 5.359 4200 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 2000 vtp 1444 3.016 1535 3.223 1619 3.353 1913 3.793 2115 4.052
              2310 4.259 3000 5.391 4200 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 2100 vtp 1457 3.069 1579 3.397 1806 3.856 2089 4.498 2998 5.823
              4100 8.0 stretc 0.5 end
 fno 2200 vtp 1461 3.092 1530 3.246 2996 5.990 4000 8.0 stretc 0.5 end

The SIOSEIS script to plot is:
sioseis << eof
procs diskin sadd plot end
diskin ipath vels.segy end end
sadd scalar -1450 end end
  stime 2
   nibs 75 vscale 2.5 def 0.5 scalar -1 srpath sunfil ftag 1 taginc 1
   hscale 200 pctfil 0 ann rpno nsecs 5 end
xloadimage -r 90 sunfil &